"Coaching is more about steering the spirit than the feet."
David Hasty
21 February 2005
Dear Susie,
Our next appointment is not until March 15th and I'd planned on writing this email just prior to that lesson,
but the symbols and drama of today's events make me want to wax and ponder a bit here and now.
Call it student's prerogative...you see, I have composed many notes to you in my mind
as I consider one technical point in my delivery or another, or to share a competitive bowling moment -
both those of glorious expected results and ones that merely offer educational opportunity -
or to treat you as my mental consultant with a situation involving mentoring my children
and/or the occasional YABA charge, or to blather on about some obscure but clever metaphor or another...
but I don't send you these messages, and usually don't even compose them mostly
because I usually boil the issue down to it's common sense, obvious answer,
and also I don't want to bother you with every little thing, given your schedule and the fact that it can usually wait.
On the other hand, and this is the coaching lesson I choose to take to heart,
I feel that I COULD if I really needed too and you wouldn't think twice
about dispensing the necessary wisdom as being all in a day's work...
besides the fact that coaching is more about steering the spirit than the feet,
the process is a partnership established with credibility, commitment and most of all: accountability.
That's really the most valuable thing you give me as a student -
someone who not only guides and instructs but shares in the celebration of results, no matter what they might be.
I appreciate that concept, because nobody else cares that I've shot 6 out of 10 six hundreds in the last month
or what that means to my life and on how many levels --
but I at least imagine that you do, and I want to have more and bigger numbers to report, because when I bowl, we bowl together.
That's the kind of coach I want to be, and I'm grateful that you are there to show me by example...
and I further realize that to so aspire requires that I become the total student,
to evaluate and commit and persistently apply my instruction to fully appreciate the learning process.
I also believe that I must establish my own credibility first with a high degree of skill on the lanes,
and we both know that right now I am only slightly above mediocre - but improving.
Another email will deal with what I think my weakest areas continue to be,
but what brings out this particular gush at this time, you may ask...well, today I think Brian (his son)
enjoyed his lesson and I certainly appreciate the way you treat both kids, but (and this is a universal parent thing, I think).
I'm not sure he really understands the value of what you give.
Oh, I think he gets a lot of it, but as adults we can provide opportunities to the young that our wisdom
tells us is priceless, but their limited scope just can't grasp...
just as some of the things I was provided with that perhaps seemed pedestrian at the time,
I now realize could have had much greater influence had I more insight in my youth.
Such is this grand circle of life and it's particular drawbacks.
We take for granted, and we fail to truly see and miss out or overlook.
Yes, and to the point: I got a great kick out of getting those bar glasses for you,
partly because they were cool, but mostly because you would understand the gesture;
and, I got a huge thrill at your reaction - you obviously know likewise what is cool.
Here's my thinking: it was a successful exercise in gratitude and appreciation and sharing a moment;
the glasses are just a symbol of a pleasant partnership on a sometimes difficult journey.
The broken one only proves that nothing is perfect and to accept the best of what we have...
by the way, it may be a symbol or message as to which glass was broken -- I'm guessing it was the "delivery" -- ha, ha.
Let me know which it was and we'll work to make that my best skill as our revenge!
Aren't we all broken, incomplete sets of one kind or another, and isn't the coach's job to make the most of what is NOT missing?
Okay, maybe it's the drama queen in me -- after all, I did eat sherbet from the carton
and cried at a chick movie that I've seen a dozen times tonight ("DAVE" about the Presidential look alike),
but I'm truly trying to bowl my way to spiritual health and ready to take my dedication as a student up a few notches.
Let's see where I can go...thanks for all that you are, and for doing it so well!
Even the Pros Miss the Four Pin,
Part Deux - Learning anything new is merely an opportunity to strengthen my mental game
Dear Susie,
The rest of this week was still spring break, so I spent the majority of the days entertaining and parenting the miniature people that live here. We got the weight machine uncovered and dusted off and I started a daily leg lift and stair-stepper program; watched all my PBA shows and slo-mo'd all the footwork trying to visualize how the body tilts to guide the swing down the target line; delivered an old ten pound plastic ball to Ross to drill on Monday; took the kids bowling Friday and threw balls 'til I was drenched in sweat...
Results were mixed, if not disappointing; similar results in today's league, i.e. I can cross over and dance down the line and swing the ball back, but have trouble committing to the slide and release close enough to my ankle - and everything goes off to the right. The body position feels right up to a point, then I sense a loss of control. Of course, the scores went down and I immediately went searching for articles to reinforce your instruction and ran across Dr. Hinitz' stuff on Bowlers Paradise.
I now realize what you were getting at...and more. There's a huge opportunity to strengthen my mental game during this period, to let go of the numbers and concentrate on awareness, watching ball reaction, and getting reacquainted with the humble love of this game that should be present with each exercise and ball thrown for this process to work. Okay, I get it. I'm going to refocus and let my strong points, head and heart, lead the muscles at a steady but determined rate...I'll take the medicine of lower scores and make a positive out of it. Tomorrow is another league and I'm going to relax and get the most out of every ball that I can, paying attention to the approach basics, lane conditions and mental/physical awareness - regardless of score.
I'll be back someday. Next week I'm going to hit the one step drills hard at home, then add some one step throws with the ten pound ball later - back muscles permitting. When you're right you are right, and I stand corrected...this is like starting over, not some change in hand position.
But, I CAN do it - and will! I look forward to scattering the pins again, but all in good time...thanks for listening,
David Hasty
A Happy Guy
From Otis Henry, Sherman TX 03-05-04
Thank you for all you've done to help me reach that 300 mark. Without your talent and expertise...
I would still be floundering at the foul line, and thinking about buying more equipment to fix
that little problem that was keeping (me) from going over the top.
(I) just didn't know what that little problem was, nor did I know it was NOT a little problem.
Thanks to you this game has become much more enjoyable and more competitive.
I have a great deal of respect for you as a person and as a coach and since that first lesson
have never second guessed my decision to start taking lessons from you.
It has been, and will continue to be, a pleasure being associated with you.
Thank you for my 300 because without you, it would not exist.
Your friend,
I Love My Job!
From Wayne Barnes, Colorado Springs 01-16-04
Would you believe that I would shoot a 300 in the first league game following our lesson? Well I did.
That was one powerful lesson. I had a good look in practice and focused on keeping my index
finger white and flushed 12 shots (no Brooklyn, no light mixers, just 12 solid shots).
This would make a great testimonial if you ever need one.
Thanks again for your suggestions.
I felt very good leaving the center on Wednesday after the lesson but never had any idea this would happen.
The time I spent with you had a cleansing effect; I got rid of all my questions and nagging doubts
and replaced those negatives with some positive thoughts and the results are clear.
And you gave me much more that I will continue to work on,
such as working to get a quicker release, better leverage position, etc.
Would you consider a move to Colorado? Thanks.
An Impressed Customer
Dear Susie,
I recently purchased some of your graphic aids and we shared some brief e-mails about our bowling experiences.
I'm writing this note because I just finished reading your articles in the 'Learn' section
of the website and I had to tell you that I'm amazed.
This condition of amazement is simply because they are so novel,
so easy to understand and so powerful.
I have a collection of bowling books that spans writings from the 1950's to the latest books released in 2002.
I subscribe to almost every bowling publication available and in my youth,
I attended training programs taught by Bill Lillard and Bill Bunetta
(most bowlers I know never heard of either of these two Greats).
In spite of my long study of the game with all the resources mentioned above, I have never (and I mean never)
had someone explain important aspects of the game in such an easy to understand and practical manner.
Also, I have never heard anyone even use some of the concepts and techniques
that you describe in your mini articles - which are actually quite complete and detailed.
I am no expert, but in my humble opinion, you MUST write a book!!!!
But don't just take my word for it, here is a real life example.
I had been in a long slump (two months) and I happened to read your article, entitled, "You Drifter, You".
I couldn't wait to apply this tip and I did so for the first time in league play
(before I read some of your other tips about not practicing in league).
Nonetheless, I averaged over 200 for the night and
had one of the most consistent 30 frames of my season.
In spite of how this note sounds, I am seldom inspired to write such complimentary words.
Lest you think my praise and encouragement to write a book
was just the product of busting my slump,
I want you to know that writing this note never occurred
to me until I read the remainder of the articles on your site.
I realize that this can't be the first time that someone has encouraged you to
put your novel ideas and clear explanations in a book that would unquestionably
become a "pearl" in any bowlers training arsenal.
Please tally my note as just another vote of encouragement.
More importantly, please tell me that your book is already in process!!
Still amazed,
Richard Wiltse Miami Beach, Florida
P.S. Thanks for introducing me to Mildred!
The Epiphany
This whole thing started the week before we had our lesson here in Houston.
I was at my tough house on a Wednesday for the senior league and had a 160 game.
Same old stuff, aiming the ball, no follow through and just generally up tight like I usually am at that center.
I was really upset with myself because I had worked so hard as had you with what I saw as minimal results.
As I sat there between games I had this, call it a vision (kind of like Saul on the road
to Damascus, no thunder or lightning or voices from on High, however) of me rolling the ball perfectly.
I also decided that I had to get loose and quit micro managing every shot.
So before every shot that particular day I saw myself rolling the perfect shot:
solid at the line, relaxed armswing, knee bent and great follow through.
Then, with that in mind, as I got on the approach I tried to execute that shot. Shot 217, 224 and it has not stopped since.
For some reason this little routine has served to get me relaxed. I have a goal, execute the perfect Donk (a nickname) shot.
Whatever I need to do just follows without it being a labored, thoughtful process.
Get the shoulders aligned to my target, visualize the path of the ball, get the ball started, and follow through.
As I said this is not a belabored thoughtful process; whatever thinking I do regarding lane changes,
critique of the last shot etc. happens between shots on the chair.
Once I get on the lane my intent is to execute the Donk shot and commit completely to that goal.
Don't think about too much just do it.
In practice last night the lanes were a little slicker than they have been.
I started the first game knowing that the ball was not quite getting to the pocket
but nothing I did (moving on the approach, for example, seemed to help).
As a consequence I was a little unsettled and not completely confident about the ball path I had selected.
I executed the shot but not with complete confidence.
So I did not carry well and missing the first two spares I shot at did not help.
I think I had seven single pin leaves. All either the 7 or 10 pin except a stone 8 after one of the few strikes I had.
So here I am frustrated as hell as demonstrated by the two really bad shots I threw in the 9th and 10th frames.
Between games I am thinking I need two 225 games to continue my string of 600s.
I reviewed that first game in my mind and remembered that I had thrown some good shots.
I was just uncertain about my line and I needed to execute and not let my frustration affect my shot making.
I decided on a line I would use. I had moved a number of times the first game and I had an idea about where I wanted to play.
I moved about two boards right to 20 on the approach and decided to hit 12 at the arrows.
I executed the Donk shot perfectly and watched the ball as it crossed the arrows--RIGHT ON TARGET.
It got out and rolled back perfectly to leave a 10 pin.
I felt the shot was as good as I could roll and that the ball path was good.
I played the same shot on the left lane and struck.
Before you knew it I had three in a row and because my concentration was better,
I found that I had a little room both right and left of my chosen line.
All I had to do after that was see that perfect shot and execute.
I had one light hit that somehow carried the 7 pin but the other nine were no-brainers.
Amazingly, I am calm through all of this, the balls in the 10th, 11th, and 12th frames were crunchers.
It's easy because all I have to do is see me executing the Donk shot and then do it.
I started the third game with a double (I shot a Buddy Bomar 300) and leave a 10 pin in the third frame.
This is not what usually happens to me after a really good game.
I usually am on an adrenaline high and have trouble executing well.
Not the case last night or recently for that matter. I double again. Leave a couple of 10 pins and go out. 693, wow.
This visualization process seems to work. All I have to do is execute.
Takes all the thinking out of the mix on the approach.
I am relaxed because as a result of all our work I know the Donk shot is a possibility.
Even my spare shooting has improved. I believe in myself.
Decide on a line and commit to the shot.
What happens down the lane happens, but I am satisfied that I rolled the ball well and that seems to be the big difference.
I am satisfied with my performance and have been for the past few weeks.
I guess knowing that I did my best on every shot is what has satisfied me the most and brought me peace.
God I feel good.
Fair Witness
Here is a wonderful story from Steve Jensen of Colorado Springs about consciousness, practice, lane conditions
and the real value of non-judgmental awareness or what Robert Heinlein called a 'Fair Witness'.
If you asked a Fair Witness what color the house was, she would tell you it was
'white on this side' - making no judgments about what she could not see or know to be true. A refreshing perspective....
"I went through a period of about 14 days where my spare game just TANKED!
I could hardly convert something easy like a 2,3,8,9 - much less either corner, which I simply could not begin to convert.
I was missing right/left, the whole gamut. I received all kinds of well-intentioned advice from my bowling buddies,
but nothing seemed to help.
So, one day I went to the bowling center a little early to work on my spare game.
No matter what I tried, my accuracy just stunk.
I even tried the eyes closed exercise to no avail. Then two things happened:
1) I had a hunch something must be wrong with my armswing.
2) I noticed Ryan (son of one of the aforementioned bowling buddies) watching me.
So I had Ryan hold a pencil up and align it with my armswing while I attempted to throw a shot straight down the boards.
Naturally, my shots were just about everything but straight down the boards.
After I had thrown several shots I asked Ryan what my armswing was doing in relation to the pencil.
He said my armswing was moving to the outside during the backswing. That was great!
He's young and doesn't "know" anything about bowling, so he didn't try to interpret what I was doing (no stories about fast feet, etc.);
he just reported on it. So, I moved the ball from the middle of my chest to more in line with my shoulder
and two shots later everything was fine again. I haven't missed a single pin since... :) Yeah!
Apparently I had gradually moved the ball from in line with the shoulder to more in the middle of my chest
over the last several weeks and hadn't noticed it. That's all it was.
It was a breakdown in my pre-shot routine.
When I'm bowling well, the next-to-last thing I do is check the alignment of my ball and bowling shoulder and the set of my wrist.
All of a sudden I realized I had stopped making that check.
What's interesting is that this little screw-up was hardly noticeable during my first ball.
(I did notice a drop in scores, but I attributed it to my spare game entirely--that was wrong, I believe.)
That tells you how helpful the lane conditions really are. When I took the lane condition out of play during my spare shots
(absolutely straight ball release), I saw my "true" accuracy and it stunk.
However, with all the guidance from the lane conditions, my errant shots were redirected to my intended line
and they didn't appear to be all that bad.
It wasn't like I couldn't get to the pocket -- I "just wasn't carrying".
Hilarious! I am NOT going to fall into that trap again....
If I were playing on a real condition, my errors would have been much more obvious,
the motivation to fix it much greater, and it wouldn't have taken two weeks to figure out.
As any of you know who know me, I am very adamant about wearing jeans to bowl.
I think wearing them to bowl is demeaning to the sport and prevents a good knee bend.
I know, I know. "These jeans are real baggy and they don't bother me a bit."
I have seen it way too much to think it doesn't matter. It matters.
It is tough to bend your knees in any denim.
Lots of people thought I was prejudiced (I didn't have any jeans) or just plain nuts.
After all, 'everybody' wears jeans to bowl in, they said.
When I moved to the country three years ago, I thought jeans might be a good idea as I became steward of this five acres of the planet.
I have eight pair and cannot wait to get home and put them on. Believe me, I now understand totally the comfort issue.
I even have 'work outside pairs' and 'going into town pairs'!
They are surely comfortable. That doesn't change how I feel about them as not being conducive to good knee bend.
I still do not believe in wearing them even into the center much less to bowl.
Here's a letter from Don Kramer of Houston who made his own discoveries about this very subject.
"I did not know the jeans thing was such an important issue.
I wore my golf-bowling togs most of last year. Did so primarily because I thought I should help raise the level of the sport.
I wear jeans around the house most of the time and just got lazy.
Did not want to bother changing clothes.
I was not bowling well toward the end of the year and decided my whole being -
attitude, work ethic and appearance needed a change. So I went back to my 'nice clothes'.
Had a couple of high 600s at the (easy house) the last two weeks and
averaged 200 at the (brickyard) since the change in apparel.
Needless to say I will never wear jeans to again to the lanes."
From Jim Ensminger.... (Be sure and check the follow up at the end of this one!)
A while back you told me that my problem was that you thought I was "lazy".
Well, I think you were right. Imagine that.
I spent quite a bit of time digesting what you said. I didn't think I was lazy.
What did she mean by that? Well, here's what I came up with.
I was just going through the motions.
In the last month or so this is what I've done.
Establish a pre-shot routine and stick with it. Mentally visualize each shot, follow through, and watch the ball.
Remember what I did the last time on the shot before, watch more closely the transition of the lanes.
I think that your term for lazy was that I was mentally lazy. You were right.
It's been a long time since I was focused on what I was doing.
Going through the motions was easy. Applying the mental game makes this game a little tougher.
I'm back to trying to hit boards rather than areas.
I now get unhappy if I miss, whereas before I don't think I realized I was missing where I was looking.
Maybe this sounds crazy to you but I think that you have to want to execute ever shot perfectly in order to do so.
The results are that last night I shoot 300-279-245=824, with the first 21 in a row.
But you know what sticks in my mind?
I threw the 22nd one a little hard and didn't carry the 7 pin.
The mental part of the game is so hard....so many things to think about and then apply.
It's almost like you have to put yourself in a trance.
Anyway thanks for the advice, I also use your word that you gave me - training not practice.
When I go to "practice", now I look at it as training,
Before I would just go through the motions, now these motions are with intent.
Thanks for calling me lazy.
Susie Q.........I was selected the Ft. Worth ABC Bowler of the Year. The presentation will be at Hurst May 9th.
I wanted to be the one to tell you personally.
Your bud,
PS: I'm not lazy anymore.
The Practice Plan
Hello Coach,
I wanted to pass along to you that this evening I will be headed over the Mississippi River and through
(or acutally across) the Gulf on my way to Ft. Lauderdale (again) and Nationals.
I also would like to pass along to you that some of my fellow league bowlers have begun to
notice a 'slight' improvement in my bowling skills over the past week.
I have made every effort to credit you with any possible improvement due to your exemplary coaching abilities.
Of course, I also mentioned that you have a long way to go with this inveterate student,
who is, however, willing to try whatever the coach asks. I'm not really a sycophant you know.
I have even placed my cheat sheet: uh, I mean my 'Practice Plan' sheet in my bowling bag so that it's readily available for perusal while bowling.
I know there are some people who can remember all the things listed on that sheet but the deeper I get into the pangs of perimenopause,
the more constant my search for the correct dosage of ginkoba and /or soy in order to return my memory to its previous reliable level.
That might explain some of my practicing problems.
I would like to be able to tell you that I have mastered ALL the tasks you listed,
but Ha Ha, I know you would laugh at that.
I'll just say that I continue studiously working on all of them.
Some of the tasks are becoming easier while others make me look like a novice instead of a 30+ year bowler.
I'll persist with the practicing,
Coach. I'm sure some of my problems are equipment issues, which should be resolved next month.
I finally made contact with Mr. Askins and he will work my equipment problems June 11 or 12.
That means I will be optimistically awaiting the chance to exhibit my newly developed skill
(and solicitously awaiting my less than desirable display of washouts
of the more difficult tasks you have so sagely assigned) so I will be ready for my next lesson around June 13 if that fits into your schedule.
I will have the entire day available so please select the time and place that best fits your agenda.
As mentioned above I keep your 'practice plan' with me when bowling and
I spend different parts of my 30 - 45 minute practice time working on certain tasks.
Fortunately my youthful softball experiences still haunt my subconscious, so getting into that 'universal athletic pose'
hasn't been too difficult to accomplish. I think my knees are flexed and hips are back, but please observe that I wrote 'think'.
I also used to 'think' I walked straight until your video disproved that conviction.
I might have a handle on 'elbow on hip' and I would like to point out that I have established
that (for me at least) the right elbow on the right hip seems to be the best strategy.
I thought I had mastered the 'hand @ 4:30' but things aren't always as close as they appear (in or out of the mirror).
I am still fumbling around a bit with the details. I could possibly be off
30 minutes either way or maybe I just can't differentiate between AM and PM.
I'm sure you are more that capable of clarifying this issue for me my oh so estimable Coach!
I definitely see '2R' on a somewhat regular basis and I seem to be at a point where
taking my '2nd step to the left' is almost an unconscious act.
At least the drifting problem 'seems' to be under control.
That's a couple of problems (almost) conquered leaving several I will continue to work on, Coach.
I know you will be saddened to hear that I believe (or at least hope) I have managed to 'keep my head up.'
I say saddened because I know you were so entertained by my modeling exhibition of that classy "indoor-lighting" visor.
Darn, I guess I'll have to let that fashion statement go to someone else, unless you deem it necessary again, Coach,
and I would never argue with your astute coaching process.
I am also working, though not as successfully, on the 'shoulders back.'
I think that is a softball habit that might encumber my progress.
As a catcher, I tended to ball up in order to become a smaller target.
Sometimes the batter wanted to smack me with the bat as I bantered with them in a sincere effort to assist
in their temporary loss of concentration on the pitched ball.
I'm sure it wasn't me personally they objected to, but possibly my witticisms they didn't care for.
But I will try and get my 'shoulders back' as requested by my esteemed Coach. And again there is that '2R'.
As for the practice on 'longer slide-hips down and right leg on the floor (30%).
Easy for you to say, uh, what I meant Coach is that I believe I can master those with more practice.
I have been trying to lengthen my slide and am struggling miserably.
Is it my foot...my shoe...my body alignment at the line...or just too much stuff in my perimenopausal brain??
I've tightened my shoelace...I've tried the new and improved #10 slide pad for my Dexter's
but that was a bit much (which is actually an understatement), I almost slid out the door near lane #1...
I have even resorted to sampling 'Easy Slide' and other such products that your are so adamantly against the use of.
I'm sure being the august coach that your are, you can help me see the error of my ways
on the sliding issue and prescribe the required correctional practice.
Believe it or not, the 'hips down' is beginning to work.
In fact that just began coming around this past week and I'm so relieved.
I was beginning to think I had lost all my pythonic athletic abilities,
except of course for my own variation of the 'universal athletic pose'.
Now about that 'right leg on the floor (30%).
Was your intent the right LEG? I thought your intent might be the right FOOT...
gosh I hope you meant the right foot because if you meant the right leg then I'm not even close to getting my hips down like I 'thought'.
But you know, I think maybe I should just keep my mouth shut about that issue.
I am already envisioning more incomparable coaching tools (much scarier than your visor)
you might be tempted to pull out of your black bag (or white truck).
But no, Coach, that is not a negative statement, just a reminder for me to renew my vow to continue practicing on 'hips down'.
I just have to keep reminding myself how fulfilling that 200+ average will be.
And about that '2R', you know Coach, just when I think I have that under control I find myself
looking directly at my MARK just as I release the ball instead of looking '2R'. But I will continue to labor on it.
OK. The last tasks were about my 'follow through', 'extending out and up' and 'loose floppy arm', I 'think' (there is that word again)
I've finally calculated that if I get my hips down (and now I'm concerned if they are really down enough) and
keep my head up and shoulders back, well gosh, look at that, I almost always follow through with my arm,
and it's easier to keep my head up...and my shoulders back.
You know Coach, I think I'm beginning to see a lane approach blueprint appear here.
Can it be true? Imagine that, but I'm sure you saw it all along.
I'm still working the 'loose arm' and will hopefully some day deduce why that action
is so erratic that I cannot yet find neither rhyme nor reason for why or when I will do it. I'll persist with the practicing, Coach.
I am complying with your directions on 'Sport Bowling';
instead I'll concentrate on 4 or 5 35 to 45 minute practice sessions a week throughout the summer.
Hopefully I will be able to email you next week that I rolled at least a fair game or nice series at Nationals.
But if I don't bowl well I will humbly accept the fact that in spite of all your exemplary coaching skills
I'm still not quite the malleable student I need to be and so I'll strive to be more receptive to your teachings in the future.
Have I told you that some of my peers think I'm an "apple-polisher"? They are wrong you know.
I'm not sure why they would even think that of me. They all know I prefer strawberries and bananas to apples.
What could they be thinking?
I look forward to my next lesson.
Self- Doubt
My apologies, Most Worthy Teacher, I left the path, but have returned, humbled.
(Bear with me for 60 seconds or so here . . .)
Boeing in the Seattle area held a 'Tournament of Champions' for winners of the 12 or so leagues they sponsor.
Synthetics, 40-42 feet of oil. I stood 20 and shot 6 board at the arrows, starting with four in a row and
had 184 in the 8th and a spare when the first ball in the 10th jumped on the headpin, luckily leaving only a 10 pin.
I told myself it was 10th frame jitters and forced myself to make every motion correct, so of course I missed the spare to end up with 223.
Second game, ball jumped to the headpin again and for the rest of the second game,
I tried making sure that I was 1) following through, 2) not rotating my hand,
3) not bending over at the foul line, or 4) forcing my armswing. End result: 177.
Third game, first ball on the headpin again, luckily no split and I picked it up. Next ball, said 'this is ridiculous.
I just shot a 275 on a flat oil Sport shot last week (really!) so my game is good, JUST MOVE!!!
Moved 4 boards left, moved target two boards left, ended third game with seven strikes out of eight first ball attempts,
and my delivery worked like I'd never had a problem for a 238. . . Duh!
I will not doubt myself again. I'm better than that.
Conrad B. Smith
Renton, Washington
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